
As we grow up, we learn various lessons. Lessons about life, love, family, and friends. Lessons about hurt, pain, and death. Some lessons we learn just by observing and soaking up our daily lives, while others after hitting rock bottom. A lesson, I believe, that needs to be accepted and not stopped is, change.

Change surrounds us. We breathe it every second of every day. Change is the only thing that anyone should be certain of in their complicated and uncertain life. Whether we like it or not, change will mingle with our days and mix with plans. Many people look at change as a destructive force. However, when known how to handle it, change tends to be the light at the end of a tunnel, or the push someone has been waiting for.

People must learn to let the change take over. Keep your hands on the wheel and direct yourself to the current of the change. It may mean needing to alter goals or ways in life, but the faster change is accepted and understood, the easier moving on will be.

My life became clear and less of a jigsaw puzzle when I understood that nothing lasts, and nothing stays the same.