November 20, 2017

I hit rock bottom.

I hit rock bottom and didn’t even want to get back up. I was tired and drained and I had lost all hope in a better me.

I doubted myself. I doubted my capabilities, my possibilities, and my power. My confidence was shattered and I didn’t care to work on myself.

I let go of life and began going with the flow, just like a dead fish would. I convinced myself I was okay. I convinced myself that I would become better, even though I wasn’t working on it.

I didn’t try, I didn’t care, I didn’t even want to get better. What was the use piecing myself back together when I was going to shatter again?

One day, out of the blue I thought to myself, I’m in a better place. I realized, I was happy and living my life again. I don’t remember when it happened, or how it even happened. I don’t remember how I got better without even realizing. But I did.

Sometime during those long dark nights, and coffee cups, something inside be began to mend, and it shined right through.